Happy Birthday to my Jiu Jiu
How many Jiu Jiu's does it take
To make a Jiu Jiu heaven
Just one is all I need
And you're the very best forever
So that is why today I send
A birthday wish to say
Happy Birthday to my Jiu Jiu
Have a really special day
-altered from Heart Whispers
Halainah's exact words,
"I yew Jiu Jiu!" (I love you Jiu Jiu!)
And I might add it is oh so cute when she says it!
“May God Bless You So Much”
1 week ago
Jiu Jiu and I share a birthday so he has to be awesome :-) I can't believe she is turning 2 soon D. It seems like the other day we were selling lollys in the office :-)
The second to last photo . . . they are just gazing at each other, so sweet!!!
what beautiful photos of Halainah and her JiuJiu.
Thank you to my favorite niece in the whole world. I yew my Lainey Bug too!
Jiu Jiu
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