Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We finally made it to Hong Kong via a high speed train this evening. It was one heck of a trip and very exhausting. If this was any indication of what our 15 hour flight will be tomorrow we are in trouble. Ava had a few melt downs and we wanted to have a melt down as well.

Our flight leaves tomorrow morning at 10:30 and we will arrive home on Thursday afternoon around 2. I cannot wait to see my Lainey Bug...that is what's going to get me through the long journey home.

We had a wonderful last day in China today. We took some great pictures that I can't wait to share...just not tonight...I am tired and need to get up very early.

My dad booked us a hotel room at a hotel near our home. We will be staying there for a few days until we can get some things taken care of at home. My Dad was finally able to get into our house...and thanks to all of your prayers...the water did not reach our main living area. Praise the Lord!!

But we did have about 7 feet or so in the basement which means...all water heater...central vac...washer and dryer...all needs to be replaced. Not to mention everything that was stored down there. The basement needs to be pumped...cleaned...insulation torn down...oh I could go on and on. Outside our central AC unit went under...all Halainah's toys...sand house...all under. The garage...lawn mower...freezer...pressure washer...I could go on...all went under. It's a disaster but could of been worse. We will get through it...even with jet lag I suppose.

Thank you to all my family and friends that have offered their home to stay with getting things back together and most of all...your prayers. I truly appreciate them. Right now...I need to focus on getting home...than I will deal with everything else.

Goodnight from Hong post will be from home!!


Dawn and the boys said...

God bless you on your travels and in dealing with all you need to when you get home. My prayers are with you all. <3 Can't wait to hear about your reunion with your sweet big girl. Oh what a moment THAT will be!!

Anonymous said...

There was something in the air that night
The stars were bright, Fernando
They were shining there for you and me
For liberty, Fernando
Though we never thought that we could lose
There's no regret
If I had to do the same again
I would, my friend, Fernando

so Fernando I look forward to seeing you on Saturday

Tia Fernando!

Amy said...

Can't wait to see your two girl united . . . sisters.

Praying for safe travels and strength to deal with your house.


TanyaLea said...

As I type this, you are already on your plane bound for home. I have been on my knees for you, dear friend. I'm so sorry for all the loss and damage, but so grateful it did NOT reach your main living areas. Everything else can and will be replaced with time. Thank God for insurance... praying all is covered! In the meantime, what's important now is getting home and wrapping your arms around your Lainey and seeing your sweet girlies together at last! I know you have some tough days ahead, but it is very VERY clear you are not alone! Hang in there and know I am still praying!

Love & Hugs,
~ Tanya

Natalie said...

Looking so forward to seeing pictures of your two sweet girls together! What an exciting day it will be!

Praying you will be able to recover from the flood and get back into your home quickly. Sounds like you have a lot of support.

God bless!