Sunday, August 21, 2011


In about 45 minutes we will be making our way down to the breakfast buffett at the Shangri-La Hotel here in Changchun. I am not sure if I will be able to eat as my stomach is doing flip flops. At 8:15 we will meet our guide in the Lobby and will start heading to the Cival Affairs Office. Our children will arrive at 9:00. My emotions are running high....I'm excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad. And a bazillion more but I think I am at a loss for words now too. I'm sad that Ava is leaving everything that she has known in her 2 years of life and sad for her foster mom that kissed her goodbye one last time this morning. But I trust in the one in charge and I know that he personally brought Ava to us. So I know in given time Ava will adore her mommy and daddy just like Halainah does. The gifts for the orphanage are packed and Ava's bag is packed as well. So now we must follow God's plan and bring our next daughter into our family. I can't wait!!


Amy said...

Anxiously awaiting pictures with your precious Ava. praying for all of you including Ava's foster mom.


Anonymous said...

following your blog and waiting anxiously for this new chapter to begin ..... can't wait to see the photos .... I
will be praying for you all to have a peace that surpasses all understanding .....
Aunt Ann

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! So excited for you! =)