Look what arrived in my inbox yesterday!
Oh my....I just want to kiss those adorable cheeks.
I am still waiting for measurements. I am so torn between bringing 18 month clothes and 24 month clothes. I don't want her clothes to be too big because it's going to be so hot there. And I want her to be comfortable.
And I want to bring at least 1 pair of shoes with me. I wish I knew what size she was wearing in the picture below because clearly they are the wrong size. I am thinking about packing a size 5 based on what size Halainah was at her age. But Halainah has such a small foot. At 14 months old she was wearing a shoe size of a 3-6 month old. And almost at the age of 4 she is wearing only one size larger than her 2 year old cousin Vincent.
In the first pic she looks like such a little peanut. In the second pic. she looks like such a big girl.
What do you think? She is currently 21 months old.
Hopefully I will receive updated measurements but there is no guarantee.
Come on Article 5...what the heck is taking you so long!!
My baby girl needs us!!
“May God Bless You So Much”
1 week ago
SOOOO cute!!! Our twins (22 months) are size 4 or 5 shoe and she looks a little smaller. I would guess 3 to 4. If you brought one of each, my guess is that you would hit the mark! :)
She is absolutely adorable!
bring a little of both and you can always buy cloths in china!
Love you little one.......... we will both be in the same country soon. We will be thinking of you
Tia Crystal
I was going to say that the shoes in the picture look to be about a size 2-3 would be my guess...She's got beautiful brown eyes...can't wait to hear when you get to bring her home.
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