Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I am still in a funk...and certainly not in the blogging mood.
My father-in-law is still in the hospital. VERY long story...the biopsy has not been done...he's been in the hospital for 21 days...he's very weak physically and mentally. It is very hard to witness for all of the family. Thus making all of us very weak physically and mentally as well. It is much worse for Tony's sisters and mother who see him every day. And it's hard on Tony and I for we feel there is nothing, absolutely nothing that we can do to help the situation. Please continue to pray for all of us but mainly for my father-in-law. The biopsy was rescheduled for today so please please please pray that it happens and we get all the answers we need in order to move forward.
My beautiful Aunt Ellie passed away on Sunday. Only 5 short days from the time they gave her 2 weeks to live. My heart is aching for all of my cousins and for her husband. She truly was a remarkable women who raised 8 amazing children. She had the strength and stamina that is hard to find nowadays. I know she is dancing in heaven with my mom because they were always so very close. I take comfort in knowing they have each other and believe it or not I can actually hear them laughing. They both had the most contagious laugh.
I am still not feeling well at all. I am battling my 7th cold since China. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Sometimes I feel like I don't have the strength to keep up with everything and I'm not even working. Well anyway, I went to the doctor today for the 4th time. I went to my regular doctor and she met Halainah for the first time. It was a nice visit as she is the one who helped us through a lot of the process with medical exams, vaccinations and medications to bring with us to China. She played with Halainah, held Halainah and was amazed by her. But she made a little slip. She said to me..."I bet your mother is in love with her." GULP! Yes my mother would be in love with her if she were still here with us. Doctor D felt horrible. It was just another reminder that life is just not fair.
So I am waiting patiently for the warm weather to arrive. And not for a quick visit but to stay. I am sick of feeling sick. I am sick of the closed windows and doors. I am ready for the flowers to bloom and to feel the sun on my skin, the open windows with a warm breeze and long walks with my hubby and beautiful daughter. Oh, and for life to somehow get back to normal, or to a nice new normal.
Since I haven't blogged in what seems like forever, there are tons of pictures to this may be a while!
Halainah doing what she loves most....playing!Yes she still has a runny nose...just like Mama...the cold that never ends!
Halainah's fishy face!
Fast asleep on her favorite toy!
Ummm yeah, half on the hard floor and half on the carpet!
Halainah is always so happy when she first wakes up!
She is a super fast crawler!
She's getting into some sort of trouble in this picture!
I stepped outside for a quick minute...I think Halainah wanted to come with me!
Down for a 5 minute power nap!
Enjoying some snacks in her new favorite snack cup!
Want some?
Can I eat my snacks in peace?
Having fun with my daddy!
Daddy you are so silly!
My daddy loves me!
Waiting for Opa to come so we can go out for lunch!
I LOVE this beautiful Genuine China Doll!
Looking at something!
Mommy and I singing together!
Daddy just came home...hence my happy face!
I love my daddy!
“May God Bless You So Much”
1 week ago
we did it again, both of us up late blogging (not as late for me being on the west coast)
Hope you start feeling better very soon.
Okay so we are reading the blog in IB class, SH! dont tell lol!...
I'm so sorry to hear about Tonys dad, the waiting process is absolutely rediculous. He, and everyone else are certainly in our prayers. Tell tony we love him and are thinking of him, and hopefully we will get to see you guys this weekend!
We Love you!!!
Billy and Alyssa
I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. May she be rejoicing in the kingdom of paradise with your precious mom..
With Lots of Love,
Annmarie and the gang:)
Oh Deanna, I don't even know where to begin. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear aunt. I have been thinking about you all and keeping Tony's dad in my prayers. I wish there were more I could do. It's such a helpless thing and I am so sorry you guys are having to deal with it so soon after your joyous union with Halainah.
I sure do hope you can kick these nasty colds out for good very soon! That's just awful. We've been getting a taste of spring here and I'm with you, I can't wait until it's here to STAY! Time to get out and plant beautiful flowers and enjoy the outdoors with the kids.
Hang in there! You are all in my thoughts.
Duh...I forgot to tell you I love seeing all the pictures of Halainah! She's just so stinkin' cute. And I can see her hair is getting longer, too. Love the ones where she's passed out...too funny! She's a dolly, that's for sure ;)
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