We had our second home study appointment today. It went extremely well and I am happy to announce that this last visit has concluded the 1st part of our next adoption. So 1 part down and about a bazillion to go. We have tons of paperwork to finish up that I will not be able to get to before vacation. So I will need to bring it with us. But the way I look at it is...what better way to complete paperwork then on the beach with our family enjoying beach hamburgers. YUMMY! So this week has been HECTIC HECTIC HECTIC. It is so hard to pack for 2 weeks with a baby. There are so many things to remember and adding the social worker visit has doubled my stress. So needless to say I cannot wait to finally get to the beach and relax.
After our visit with our social worker today we went to Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Mario's for dinner. Aunt Bonnie made a huge pot of crabs. They were preparing their taste buds for vacation. Crabs...yuck in my eyes! But Tony and Uncle Mario sat for hours savoring every last morsel. I ran to Walmart with my cousins to pick up some much needed supplies like diapers, wipes, a beach bag (and oh so cute might I add), Ni Hao Kai Lan video for the 10 hour drive, and oh yeah a do it yourself home highlighting kit. Yes, I know I am crazy. But the worst that can happen is I look like a freak and have to go and buy a hair dye kit to dye it back one color. I have no fears :)
Halainah LOVES her Uncle Mario, Aunt Bonnie, and Cousins. When I walked in she was dancing with Uncle Mario, giving a bazillion kisses, laughing and smiling from ear to ear. Oh she is one of a kind, how lucky we are to have been blessed with the miracle of adoption. The next two weeks are going to be so exciting for all of us. Halainah has no idea how much fun she is going to have and how much love is going to be bestowed upon her.
I am so very very lucky to have such a large family chock full of aunts, uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins, third cousins, grandparents, great grandma, great aunts, and my brother. We even have family from Germany that is going to visit us in August. So awesome.
Our beach house in North Carolina has Internet access. Yippee, I am so excited because I want to capture every second for Halainah. She is going to be experiencing so many firsts on our family vacation. So thankfully I will be blogging...maybe with more pictures than words but that is alright and only after late night strolls on the beach! Oh I can just smell that ocean now, so peaceful!
North Carolina...here we come!
“May God Bless You So Much”
1 week ago
Congrtulations on completing step one! That's so exciting! I know you have a long way to go yet, but slow and steady wins the race baby!
LOVE the beach bag!
Have a blast...what fun! I hope the weather is perfect for you!
Sounds like a wonderful vacation. Cute bag! Have Fun
I wanted to thank you for blog hopping by. Maybe you'll be able to make the bean dish sometime. It really is quite good :-) Hope you have a lovely stressfree vacation.
Hello! I just found your blog and your daughter is beautiful!! Congratulations on finishing up that monumental step! I remember those days and hope to do it again soon myself!
What a cutie your daughter us!!! I just found your blog off of Mayna's! Sounds like you'll have a great time in NC!
Those cookies in your last post look yummy!!!
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