Monday, July 7, 2014


Today was beyond amazing and we are thanking the Lord for taking us on this journey.

First, look at the pictures because I know that is what you came here to see anyway :)

Colton is a true gift from the Lord.  Today could not have gone any better.  Thank you Lord for our cherished Son.  

When we arrived at the Civil Affairs office, Colton was not there yet.  So that gave us a chance to calm down a bit and get all of our camera equipment out.  I was starting to get a little nervous but for the most part I was pretty calm.  Halainah on the other hand, was bouncing off of the walls in excitement.  

About 15 minutes later, Colton arrived with his nannies that he is most close to.  He did look a little nervous but he wasn't crying so that was a good thing.  His nanny sort of put him on the floor while he was standing up and leaning against her.  So she brought him closer to me.  He seemed calm so I decided to scoop him up.  He was still content with no tears.  I gently spoke to him and gave him a few kisses.  He was still totally fine.  Halainah began to play with him and he started to laugh.  Before we knew it, we had Colton cracking up and he was so happy.  Colton let both me and Tony hold him with no problems at all.  It was almost like he knew us.  His Gotcha Day reminded us a lot of Halainah's.  

The orphanage staff told our guide that they were very surprised that Nan Nan (Colton) was not crying because at the orphanage when a new person would visit and try to hold him he would cry.  Colton had the photo album that we sent him in his hands and as he was sitting with us, he kept pointing to our pictures and looking up at us and than back down at the picture.  It was almost like he recognized us.  

We stayed at the Civil Affairs office for a while doing paperwork.  During that time, Colton was playing and laughing as if he had been a part of our family for a while.  

Once we got back to the hotel, he was in desperate need of a bath.  Since he seemed to be doing ok, we decided to try out the bath.  Again, he did very well.  There were a few tears that were shed but I think it mostly had to do with the fact that he was cold.  

After his bath, we went out to eat.  We decided to eat at the hotel so that we didn't have to go out in the heat again.  Let me tell you, Colton can eat!  He is not picky as long as you are shoveling it in his mouth.  He opens his mouth like a baby bird.  It really is the cutest thing.  

After we ate, we came back to our room and played for a while on the floor.  I made him his bottle exactly how the orphanage told me to.  He really didn't drink much of it.  So not sure if he ate too much at dinner or if he didn't like how I made it.  

At this point Colton was very tired and getting a little cranky.  So I rocked him to sleep and off to bed he went.  Just like fight.  He simply fell fast asleep in his Mama's arms.  

We are so in love with our son.  We are so happy that we listened to the Lord when he said he had another child waiting for us in China.  Today has been all I have prayed for.  And I pray every day is just as good.  Thank you for your prayers.  The Lord heard each and everyone of them.  

It was a long day today and we are very tired.  I will let you know more about our amazing son tomorrow.


Aunt Ann said...

OMG those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Seeing that smile is just over-whelming!!! Pure Joy!!! So happy for all of you!!!

OPA said...

Happy Gotcha Day ! So happy this day has finally come for all of you & that your happy family is now complete ! Can't wait till you are all home again. Stay safe !!! Love you DAD

Kate Quinlan said...

He looks so happy D!!! Welcome to the boy mom club :)

Aly said...

So excited for you! You are immensely blessed.

deb said...

Yea for a happy Gotcha Day!!! Welcome Colton!! He is so handsome with his hat on. I am doing the happy dance. Can't wait to see him in person. Give him hugs and kisses from us. Be Safe. Luv ya!! Aunt Deb

Unknown said...

He is definitely the cutest! and I do love the hat. Enjoy him! Keep us posted!

Courtney said...

What an amazing day. He is adorable!

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to meet you this summer! you are already loved by many and we are sending our love from Portland. Dee you look so happy and Monkey looks like she is having a blast with her new brother!

Aunt Crystal

Anonymous said...

so happy for all of you!! what an incredible blessing your new son is. I almost cried looking at all those pictures. he is so adorable and I can't wait to see him he is loved by all of us already! Cole's Gotcha Day was truly a happy one ♡ love Jan

Unknown said...

So wonderful! Thankful it went so well.