We had a full day today and are exhausted.
Today started out bright and early. Since we are the only family from our agency, we took a cab to the US Consulate to apply for Colton's Visa. The US Consulate is in a completely different building now so nothing was the same as it was for Halainah's and Ava's adoption. Our guide was unable to go into the building with us for security reasons. So we were completely on our own. There were a few people that spoke English there so it made things easier for us. Once we arrived in the correct room we saw a couple of families that we had met in Changsha from different agencies. So it was nice to chat with them. I think we are all in the same place right now...ready to go home. We all rose our right hand and took the oath together to never abandon our children and that all of our paperwork is true and accurate. Once that was complete we were fingerprinted again and we were sent on our way. Tomorrow our guide will pick up Colton's passport with the Visa and our paperwork we will need in order to pass through immigration in the U.S. So this is the very last step in the process.
After our Visa appointment we came back to the hotel to relax a little and eat lunch. And at night we went on a river cruise. At this stage we are all very tired and ready to head home. We really did not feel like going on the river cruise but we knew Halainah would love it so we pushed ourselves. I am glad that we did. It was very peaceful on top of the boat with the wind blowing and seeing the beautiful lights of Guangzhou. Halainah loved seeing the lights especially the rainbow bridge and rainbow building. It was a nice way to end our trip with the river cruise being our last tour.
Tomorrow we begin to make our way back to the U.S. At 4:45 pm which is 4:45 am your time, we will depart from our hotel here in Guangzhou and head to Hong Kong via a high speed train. We have done this for our other 2 adoptions. It's an exhausting trip so I pray that we are not all cranky by the time we arrive at our hotel. I remember arriving close to midnight when we adopted Ava. Colton gets extremely cranky around 9:30 if he is not in bed. He likes to be on his back with his feet up in the air. He does not like to be held when he is past the point of tired. So these next 2 days of travel should be interesting. Please pray for us for our journey back home. On Thursday our flight home is 15 1/2 hours. I seriously have no idea how we are going to do that with Colton. Halainah was up for 14 1/2 hours on the flight home but she was happy to just sit in our laps or stand up between our legs. Ava slept 8 hours out of the 15 1/2 hours and was content the hours she was up. Colton likes his space and it's hard to do that on a plane. He was miserable on the 1 hour flight to Guangzhou so many prayers needed for us.
Everyday Colton changes. He is still a happy boy. But he can get moody and irritable when he isn't stretching his legs. When he gets in that mood he doesn't want to be touched by anyone. When he gets so cranky because he's tired we know just to put him in his crib. He will stick his thumb in his mouth and he will be asleep in minutes. How on earth can we do that on a plane? Lord, please be with us on this plane.
Halainah said she loves China and she will miss it, but she's ready to go home now because she misses her sister Ava. She also said she wants to sleep in her own bed with all of her stuffed animals she left at home. Her favorite part of the trip was seeing The Great Wall of China and getting her baby brother. She also said that she wants to go home because she doesn't want to melt in this heat any longer.
And so our journey is nearing the end. We say goodbye to China once again and begin our long and exhausting journey back home. I have so many things that I will miss about China and some that I will not but that's for another post. This trip has been different in more ways than one. I saw things that I guess I needed to see, but broke my heart in so many ways, that I am unsure why I needed to see them. I am so glad that my children are mine and that I know they are being loved on by their family and that they will have the best possible lives we can give them. But there are so many left behind. I don't know why there are so many orphans, I don't know why they are growing up without the love of a mommy and daddy. But I do know and I have to believe that the Lord will watch over them. That they are precious in His sight. And that He has great plans for them. Maybe I need to do more to advocate for them since they don't have a voice. I don't know. But I will listen to Him and will follow.
Please continue to pray for us until we are home safe. And please pray for the 148 million orphans in the world who are left behind.
John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
“May God Bless You So Much”
1 week ago
I'm looking forward to your safe return home.The blog is a great way to keep in touch with all that are interested back home. Love--DAD
I am sure that you will all be glad to back home and in a 'normal' routine. I can't wait to give you all hugs and kisses and meet my new Great Nephew. He is so handsome. I am sure that Ava will be happy to back in her own home sleeping in her own bed. Visiting is fun but sometimes it gets to the point that you just want to be home. That cruse looked beautiful thank you for sharing the pictures. I will pray every moment that I can that you have a safe and uneventful trip home and that Colton somehow someway finds something that will comfort him on the flight.
Huggs and Kisses. Aunt Deb
I loved reading your blog what a great way to stay in touch with all of us. I will be praying for your safe return and that the flight is calm for all of you. Your home is ready and waiting for you. :-D ♡ Jan
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