It's 4:30 in the morning here in Nanchang. Deanna and I just can't seem to sleep. Halainah is a bit congested and whimpers now and then. We are already in Mom and Dad mode. Our guide Sissi has promised to take us to wal-mart so that we may get something to help. Don't worry though, it is quite common in orphanage babies. God will never let go of this angel. Last night we were amazed by her spirit and personality. She truly loved to be with her Mommy, Daddy and Jiu Jiu (Bobby). She danced, laughed, bounced and even talked :) She is a bit behind in that she has a hard time sitting up by herself, and no standing yet (which is OK with us), but nothing a few days at home will not solve. Her report we received said she went to bed at 6:PM. Well around 10:PM, Halainah was still bouncing and laughing. We simply decided to put her in her crib and to our amazement, Halainah laid down and in a short while drifted off to sleep. Jiu Jui kept looking in on her and each time Halainah saw him, She would get this big smile on her face. It was hard for him not to look in on her, otherwise she may have been up all night. And although Halainah had all the energy to stay up all night, Mommy and Daddy were practically zombies :) Right now it is 5:AM and she is still sound asleep, content to be with her forever family. Deanna and I have been watching her sleep and still can not believe that the angel before us really belongs to us. We waited so long for this. We cried so many tears of disappointment. We felt so many times that we would not know the joys of parenthood. All of those hard times seem to have vanished in a blink of an eye as we stare into our daughters eyes. God has given us this wondrous gift. And he has remained faithful to His Word. That all who should ask for anything in Jesus' name should be given it. As long as we remain faithful to God, God remains faithful to us. And to look upon a child is to to truly see God. We can not wait to share Halainah with all of our loving family and friends. You have supported us through this entire journey and we could not be more grateful. God has worked thru all of you to unite us with our daughter. You have all helped in bringing Halainah home, and we wish again to say THANK YOU, from the bottom of our hearts and souls.
“May God Bless You So Much”
1 week ago
Uncle Mario thought you would still be awake... he adores the pictures and something told him to check again. Every time we look we cry... she is so sweet, such a wonderful smile and just an angel sleeping in her crib. We so wish we could be there with you and enjoy this special time. We want to talk to you, is there a number we can call? Just send it, we want to hear your voice and Halainah laugh! love you much
Since I work on the computer all hours of the day and night, I check your blog frequently....I can remember the awe of watching my own babies sleep, it's an incredible feeling. I am so happy for you both, what a wonderful journey this has been. She is so precious, so beautiful and you can see the contentment in the photos. Congratulations!!!
Aunt Ann
Dear Deanna and Tony,
What a Miracle! Halaninah is BEAUTIFUL! We are so happy for you both! Our prayers remain with you for a safe journey home with your new Baby!
Aunt Elaine, Erin and Alex and Rugrats!
I loved talking to you guys this morning and seeing my neice up close on camara. She is so full of life! You can tell that she is a very happy girl! Hope breakfast is good, have fun at walmart today. I'll chat with you later
Aunt Crystal
We just got home we are logged onto skype Whenever you get this and have a chance to log on we will be logged on so call us. We are so happy for you!!! SHE IS SO AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! can't wait to talk to you
We love you,
Billy and Alyssa
I was so happy to see another update. She is so beautiful and all and forever. Amen.
Tony, I know what you mean when you said about seeing God. If anyone is not sure there is a GOD all they need to do is look in the eyes of a child and for sure they will see that a miracle of that magnitude could only be achieved through God's Handiwork..So, enjoy your miracle for she came to you both straight from God. May many blessings abound you all. Send her lots of love from us...Enjoy being parents for today you begin a new Chapter of your life.
All our love,
Annmarie, Tommy & cousins Celeste, Antoinette, TJ, Serena and Leanna
Awwww! Tony, she is going to have you wrapped around your little finger. Well, I'm sure she already does! ;) My Lauren is most definitely a daddy's girl, and he loves every minute of it! You and Deanna will be wonderful parents. You loved her more than anyone else in this world before you even knew her. I am so excited to hear all the stories you will have to share as a family. And what a blessing that you and Deanna will be able to be there for so many exciting milestones! This is only the beginning of your journey with your precious Halainah, and I'm going to keep checking in!
It sounds like you have a wonderful, loving support system of family and friends, but if you ever need anything, just say the word. As a mom of 4, I might have a few tips ;)
Much love to all of you from our family to yours! God bless!
~ Natalie
Tony & Deanna,
Just viewed the website once again & cried many tears of joy. I think I need to invest in Puffs or Kleenex stock. Tom and I are so happy for you and wish you many blessing. Halainah is so precious and we look very forward to meeting her in person. Her personality does shine through in her photos and GOD has granted you a wonderful gift. Lots of Love to all of you.
Tom, Jackie and Christopher
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